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A New Vision for Utah and The World: Bringing Finland’s Homelessness Solution to Our Community

In recent years, Finland has made remarkable strides in addressing homelessness, setting an inspiring example for the rest of the world. Through an innovative strategy known as the "Housing First" approach, Finland has largely eradicated homelessness across the country. This model provides individuals experiencing homelessness with immediate access to permanent housing, without requiring them to meet any preconditions such as sobriety or employment. Once housed, participants receive tailored support services, including mental health care and addiction treatment.

The results in Finland have been nothing short of extraordinary. Approximately 80% of participants in the program remain housed long-term, many of whom have successfully reintegrated into society, gaining employment, stability, and peace. It’s a model that not only provides shelter but also restores dignity and hope to those who need it most.

Imagine what could happen if we brought this same model to Utah. (And hopefully the rest of America)

I believe that the "Housing First" approach could be transformative if implemented in our state, addressing homelessness in a humane and effective way.

 However, I must admit that I am unsure how to get such an initiative started.

 This is where I need your help—not just in potentially contributing financially or lending your efforts, but also in spreading the word and bringing this idea to the attention of those who might know how to make it a reality.

If you know of any organizations, leaders, or other individuals who might be interested in supporting or spearheading this cause, I would be incredibly grateful if you could make an introduction or share this idea with them. The more we can spread the word and gather support, the closer we can get to making this vision a reality.

This is an opportunity for us to come together as a community and address homelessness with compassion, providing a foundation from which people can rebuild their lives. I am eager to discuss this further with anyone who shares this vision and explore how we can collectively contribute to such an impactful cause.

Let’s bring the hope and success of Finland’s approach to Utah and make a lasting difference in the lives of those who need it most.

-aubs (the poet)


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