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Eclipsed By Eternity 

In the very depths where shadows quietly creep,  

None can tell what lies well beyond our last sleep.  

The silence that comes after and shrouded in despair,  

Faith and hope becomes mere echoes in the air.  

We chase the unknown with a trembling and distracted breath,  

Yet no one escapes the suffocating grip of death.  

Beliefs flicker while being dimmed by fear’s cruel hand,  

As we wander, lost, through life's barren land.  

But fret not for what we cannot see,  

Tend to your soul and let it be free.  

If a God or afterlife awaits in our end,  

Let your virtue be the message that you send.  

For morals are the good in the ashes we bereave,  

In this fragile life where we cannot cleave.  

The rest is darkness that is so vast and cold,  

Yet in our deeds is where we grow bold.  

So, let your heart be tender and pure,  

For in this fleeting world- there's nothing that is sure.  

Live with a grace that time cannot erase,  

For all that's left is the grace in the trace that we embrace.



"Eclipsed by Eternity" captures the quiet terror and fragile beauty of existence. I wrote this piece as a reflection on the unknown that awaits us after death, and the heavy silence that shrouds our doubts and fears. Life is a fleeting passage, where faith wavers, and death's inevitability looms. Yet, in our virtues and the choices we make, there is an unshakable power—something eternal beyond the decay. I want the reader to feel the weight of mortality, but also the hope found in a life well-lived. Though we cannot cleave to certainty, we can anchor ourselves in grace, compassion, and moral courage. In the face of darkness, it’s our deeds, kindness, and love that leave a lasting trace, transcending the emptiness we fear most.

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A calming & comforting write...

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