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Exploring Resilience and Despair: An Analysis of my poem "Rise, Fall, Rise"

-Rise, Fall, Rise-

“Even though I know it’s oh so dark,

It’s not an easy thing to fly away,

Even though I know I can’t get rid of the marks,

I don’t even know when to stop when I pray.

I’ve been in an eternal war,

I can’t keep up with my own breath,

The pain claws deep to my bones, I’m a living corpse,

I desire a precipitous death.

Yet here I am braver than her at seven or ten,

Letting them hurt her,

But still in pain like I was than,

My mind is black and the clouds are full like they ever were.

They say, “Strong enough to keep it in”,

I say, “But the cost is to be buried alive with demons and nightmares”,

Letting go feels like tearing sin off skin,

And I’m drowning in the middle of the ocean in the midst making repairs.

All the paintings in my eyes fading away,

The goodbyes eating me alive,

Brittle body, heart of clay,

Weights on my demons and they dive.

Memories, fears, pain, and cracks in my sanity,

Fun and games til I need to beg for help out loud,

What is life without humanity?

What is life without clouds?”

-Aubrey Olsen

September 12, 2021

In the realm of poetry, there exists a space where emotions flow freely, unencumbered by the constraints of everyday life. It is within this space that I find my poem, "Rise, Fall, Rise," a poignant composition that delves deep into the human psyche, exploring themes of resilience, despair, and the enduring struggle for inner peace.

At its core, "Rise, Fall, Rise" is a reflection on the tumultuous journey of life, where I, the speaker, grapple with the weight of my own existence. The poem opens with a stark acknowledgment of the darkness that pervades my very world, setting the tone for the emotional journey that follows. The imagery of flight juxtaposed with the inability to escape the scars of the past creates a sense of entrapment, highlighting the internal conflict that consumes me.

Throughout the poem, My hope is that I masterfully employ vivid imagery to convey the depth of my despair. Lines such as "I’m drowning in the middle of the ocean in the midst making repairs", in my mind, evokes powerful visuals, depicting the overwhelming nature of my internal struggles. These images serve to immerse the reader in my world, inviting them to experience the weight of their burdens firsthand.

The way I wrote it, I’m hoping it’s seen that one of the poem's most striking features is its use of poetic language to convey my complex emotions. I utilized metaphors and similes to add layers of meaning to the text, allowing the reader to delve deeper into my psyche. The imagery of "Weights on my demons and they dive" serves as a powerful metaphor for the relentless nature of my inner demons, further emphasizing the theme of internal conflict.

Despite the deeply personal nature of the poem, I touch on universal themes that resonate with readers on a profound level. The exploration of resilience, suffering, and the search for meaning in life is a theme that transcends individual experience, making "Rise, Fall, Rise" relatable to a wide audience.

In conclusion, "Rise, Fall, Rise" is a testament to the power of poetry to explore the complexities of the human experience. Through vivid imagery, poetic language, and universal themes, I crafted a poignant and introspective piece that invites readers to contemplate the nature of resilience and despair. It is within the confines of this emotional journey that we find solace in the shared experience of the human condition.


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