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I Am Leaving The Mormon Church

I'm Aubrey and I'm agnostic. Yet I've tried forcing the LDS Church on myself for 10 years to try and fit into this despicable state I'm forced to live in that's become more of a Mormon culture worshiping state than a doctrine and humanity embracing one (my own opinion). With this religion I had occasional fond feelings for and still do, but, the good can never outweigh the horrors and pains I've learned about and experienced as a member. What's my issues? Why do I want to leave? I'll sum it up.

1. Historical Issues: The LDS Church's history includes events like the practice of polygamy (gross no matter what year it was, if there's a God, no way he would approve), the Mountain Meadows Massacre (a story not talked about enough and has been muddied with hearsay, we deserve the truth and they deserve justice), racism galore, and changes in doctrine over time, which raises questions about the consistency of divine guidance and moral teachings.

2. Doctrinal differences to what I feel in the depths of my soul: Core beliefs of the LDS Church, such as the nature of God, the role of prophets, and the afterlife, conflicts with my agnostic perspectives on the existence of deity and the nature of spirituality. Why stay in a church that goes against my embedded beliefs? Makes no damn sense.

3. Scriptural Interpretations: The LDS Church's “unique” interpretation of scriptures like the Bible, the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price does not resonate with my understanding of religious texts or their historical context. I could say much more but that would take up too much space in this list. Just trying to keep it simple.

4. Social and Cultural Pressures: Being part of this religious community has often led me personally, to social or cultural pressures to conform to specific norms or beliefs that did and do not align with my personal convictions or worldview. Again, I could go on with this as well but I'm trying to keep it simple.

5. Gender and LGBTQ+ Issues: The LDS Church's teachings on gender roles, family structure, and its stance on LGBTQ+ rights DO NOT align with my views on equality, inclusivity, and human rights.

6. Personal Spiritual Journey: I constantly feel disconnected from the spiritual aspects of the LDS Church and have experienced a lack of personal fulfillment and resonance with its teachings, rituals, and practices.

7. Community Dynamics: I have consistently struggled to find a sense of belonging and acceptance within the LDS community due to differences in belief and lifestyle, it has contributed to feelings of disconnect and alienation.

8. Philosophical Differences: As an agnostic, I constantly have philosophical disagreements with the LDS Church's emphasis on faith, revelation, and religious authority as sources of truth.

9. Moral and Ethical Concerns: Certain moral and ethical teachings of the LDS Church, such as its views on sexuality, reproductive rights, and other social issues, have never aligned with my own ethical framework and values.

10. Freedom of Belief: A decade of feeling pressured and obligated to conform to specific beliefs and practices within the LDS Church has continually conflicted with my desire for intellectual independence and freedom of belief.

11. Seeking Authenticity: As someone who values authenticity and personal integrity, I have been seeking a spiritual path that feels more genuinely aligned with my inner convictions and values, which has not been fully realized within the structure of the LDS Church.

12. Spiritual Exploration: I have often been more curious about exploring other spiritual traditions or philosophical perspectives that offer different interpretations of life's meaning, purpose, and existence than those provided by the LDS Church.

13. Intellectual Integrity: I have been wrestling with intellectual and philosophical questions that challenge the foundational beliefs of the LDS Church, such as the nature of revelation, the concept of eternal families, and the origins of humanity, it has often led to doubts and a desire for alternative interpretations.

14. Cognitive Dissonance: Experiencing internal conflict and a great amount of cognitive dissonance between personal beliefs and the teachings of the LDS Church has heavily created a sense of unease and dissatisfaction with my religious affiliation.

15. Desire for Personal Growth: Seeking personal growth and self-discovery outside the constraints of the LDS religious tradition has led me to explore alternative paths that better support my individual journey and growth.

I could dive deep into the misogyny, disrespect, racism, inequality, and other pain I have personally dealt with through the decade, but again.... keeping it simple is my goal for this post, I may go into all of it one day, but for now, I hope you understand why I choose to leave.

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May 14

Aubrey, you have grown into such a strong and smart woman. I know that leaving the church is a very hard thing for many people. I am so proud of you!

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Thank you so much for your love and support. ❤️

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