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Story Of Truth

Updated: Aug 2

"What if I read you a story,

One of grace, power and truth,

A story full of love divine,

A story not in its youth,

This story is older than creaking of wind in branches,

Then the trees taller then most mountains,

This story is older than the oldest; everflowing fountain,

Like a valley so serene,

Quiet, calm, and full of peace,

Hidden in the depths of chaos,

This story won't ever cease,

For in that hidden valley,

Lie a quiet hopeful song,

Slowly rising with the sound of hope,

And the Saints are growing strong,

For chaos that creeps around them,

Though venom and fire it spits out,

The Saints fear not the evil lurking,

And proceed even through doubt,

For they come to understand,

And they come to build up strength,

For power is in Gods hands,

And in the end;

evil shall cease its length."

(April 13, 2017)

-Aubrey Olsen (Earle)

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