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My Biggest Fear?

Updated: Apr 25

My greatest fear?

The most chaotic one of all?

Chaotic as in; sets my soul on edge?

Floods my nerves with panic?

Freezes my muscles?

Captures my breath beneath a heavy weight?

….Is dying… is death in general…

But not just death, not just the word or the verb itself…. What happens afterward.

The fact that not one human on this planet… has a 100% visual, audible and/or “memorable” knowledge of what truly happens once our mortal vessels have breathed their last breath,

Beat their last heartbeat,

Blinked for the last time,









…Lived. For. The. Last. Time.

My greatest fear?

The actuality that my beliefs don’t ultimately make themselves absolutely unequivocally, the end all reality.

The actuality that my assumed burning and peace giving fragile confidence of the existence of an Almighty God, a place called Heaven (The Celestial Kingdom), the not so deep feeling of the possible need and beauty of The Book Of Mormon and the Bible, does not mean I’m in fact precise or even near precise on my convictions. And maybe it truly does.

But I repeat… my beliefs don’t ultimately make themselves absolutely unequivocally, the end all reality.

My greatest fear?

That we have to die before one can unravel the worlds greatest mystery.

Where do we go?

What happens?

Whatever you choose as your belief, I hope it ultimately pushes you to do and even be, true and genuine good within your life.

-Love Aubs <3

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