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Never Fight For Male Acceptance

To younger souls who seek to find

The truth within this world so unkind,

Heed not the whispers of men's praise,

Their fleeting charm and their shallow gaze.

For in their words, so often lies,

A web of falsehoods in disguise.

Their judgments cast and their flattery thin,

Are not the paths where strength begins.

Instead, invest in what is YOU…

In art and grace and in dreams so true.

Embrace the stage, the field, the fight,

Where your own power takes its flight.

Seek not their smiles or their hollow game,

For they will fade like fickle flame.

Yet you, my dear, will rise and stand

With wisdom crafted by your hand.

Let friendships bloom and let passions soar,

Explore what life holds at its core.

For in these moments, rich and deep,

The seeds of your own self you’ll keep.

And when you choose… if love should call,

Let it be yours, with heart and all.

But know, no man's acceptance true

Can dim the brilliance born in YOU.

So guard your youth and let it thrive,

For your own worth, for YOU... alive.


Written: 09-06-24

Finished: 09-19-24

In this poem, I reflect on the journey of self-worth, speaking to the younger version of myself and to others who may need to hear it. I caution against seeking validation from men, recognizing how easily their praise can deceive and how shallow their approval often is. I acknowledge that their words and admiration, while tempting, are fleeting and should not define mine or anyones sense of strength or value.

Instead, I focus on investing in who I truly am, as the woman I am… in my art, my passions, and my dreams. I remind myself that true power comes from within, from my own achievements, and not from the approval of others. The importance of nurturing genuine friendships and pursuing my own interests is at the forefront of this message.

I understand that while love may come into my life, it should never be rooted in the need for acceptance from a man. I hold on to the idea that my worth is not contingent on anyone else's recognition, but something I must cultivate and guard for myself. This poem is a testament to the belief that the brilliance within me cannot be dimmed by the fleeting opinions of others.

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