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"Oh Me, Oh Life" (Ode To Robin Williams Series)

In this vast theater of life we tread,  

Where passions blaze and dreams ascend,  

We pen our thoughts while our souls are fed,  

For poetry speaks where truths transcend.  


Medicine, law, and business find their place,  

Noble endeavors that mark our days,  

But in poetry's embrace, we trace,  

A chaotic grace within love's fleeting gaze.  


In this endless weave of mortal threads,  

Amidst the faithless, the foolish, the strife,  

We search for meaning, where persistence spreads,  

Through life's questions in its ebb and its rife.  


Whitman’s words so profound and wise,  

"O me! O life!"—his echo we hear,  

Yet in our hearts, hope never dies,  

For we exist and life’s play is near.  


So what will be your verse or your song?  

In this grand play where we all belong.


March 11, 2024

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