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Self Inflicted Orgasm (Warning: My Sexual Poetry) - Masturbation Is Normal And Healing

In tender moments when the world withdraws,  

I find a sanctuary within my own embrace.  

A whisper of touch and a gentle caress,  

Unlocking the gates to a deep and sacred place.

Beyond mere pleasure, where the senses stir,  

Lies a realm where body and spirit meet.  

A tranquil dance of self-love and grace,  

Where every touch is both tender and sweet.

With each soft stroke the mind finds the calm,  

As endorphins rise, the moans are said,  

Tension fades like shadows at dawn,  

And peace descends where chaos once spread.

This act, so intimate and so purely mine,  

Becomes a hymn to my own worth.  

A celebration of beauty, skin and soul,  

A rejoicing in the gift of my birth.

Here, I reconnect with what’s truly me,  

Embracing the wholeness I often deny.  

In these sacred moments where I am complete,  

And in my own touch, I learn to fly.

For in this gentle self-exploration,  

Lies the power to heal, to soothe, to free.  

A profound harmony blooms within,  

A dance of love between body and me.



In writing "Self Inflicted Orgasm," I sought to explore the profound intimacy and healing power of self-love. This poem is my personal reflection on the sanctuary I find within my own embrace—a place where the world fades away, and I connect deeply with my true self. The gentle caress and tender touch are more than mere physical pleasure; they are a gateway to a sacred realm where my body and spirit converge in a tranquil dance of grace.

Through each soft stroke, I experience a release of tension and a calmness that washes over me, replacing chaos with peace. This intimate act becomes a celebration of my own worth, a hymn to the beauty of my skin and soul. In these moments, I reconnect with the wholeness I often overlook, embracing the completeness of my being.

The poem captures my journey towards self-acceptance, where in my own touch, I find the power to heal, soothe, and ultimately, to fly.

Masturbation, an act of self-exploration and intimacy, is neither inherently wrong nor something to be shunned. It is a natural expression of one’s sexuality, a means of understanding and connecting with one’s body. Far from being a source of guilt or shame, masturbation can be a journey of self-discovery, fostering a deeper sense of self-acceptance and well-being. It allows individuals to explore their desires in a safe and private space, free from the expectations or judgments of others. Moreover, masturbation can contribute to emotional balance, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. In embracing this aspect of human sexuality, we recognize that pleasure is not only a physical experience but a path to self-love and holistic wellness. To condemn such an act is to deny a fundamental aspect of human nature, one that can enrich our understanding of ourselves and enhance our overall health.

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