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Tattered Canvas

If I could send my knowledge on the wind,  

To every soul and to every heart in the world therein,  

A whispered truth that's profound and wide,  

That echoes softly and is unable to hide:  

Please eat for joy and for healing’s tender art,  

Let food be comfort and medicine for the heart.  

In laughter and in tears do let it sustain,  

A simple pleasure that is free from guilt’s disdain.  

Embrace the storm of owning what you’ve done,  

The brutal truth that cannot be outrun.  

In taking some blame, a weight lifts from the soul,  

A bitter pill that makes the spirit whole.  

Please tread with care the path of judging minds,  

For no one’s heart is wholly dark or kind.  

In every shade of gray us humans do dwell,  

Not saints, nor demons, but a mingled tale.  

Label not yourself as good or vile,  

For in that trap, you'll lose your fragile smile.  

We are not bound by deeds of yesteryear,  

But by the hope that change is always near.  

Most hearts are good although flawed in many ways,  

We stumble through this life, a fiery fleeting maze.  

Yet kindness lingers yet even in despair,  

A thread of light woven within the darkest air.  

Oh death, that final chapter, it comes for all,  

Its shadow looms no matter how we stall.  

Yet in its wake a forgiveness should be found,  

For life is brief and time is not profound.  

Hold not to vengeance and let it turn to dust,  

For in its grip the soul begins to rust.  

Release the poison and let your spirit soar,  

For peace awaits beyond that bitter door.  

So live with grace and with mercy in your stride,  

Let go of anger and cast your pain aside.  

For in the end when all is said and done,  

The greatest battle fought is love’s sweet run.  

In every bite, in every breath you take,  

Let healing grow and let every moment make,

A painted sunset of life thats both wild and free,  

A canvased masterpiece of what you’re meant to be.  

This is the message, its simple, pure, and true,  

A gift of wisdom I'm offering unto you.  

For in this life with all its joy and strife,  

The path to peace begins with intentionally living life.


August 17, 2024

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