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Writing Under the Shadow Of Their Peace

In silence I was taught to keep the peace,

But whose peace was it meant to appease?

The offenders rest while others close their eyes,

And us who were once battered children, now hold the wars inside.

Our father was a man who endured unseen strife,

Now like his father is tending only to physical needs and not the heart's quiet cries.

Our mother was lost in her own pain and withdrawn,

While our little sister’s breath was stolen at dawn.

Our grandma's hand and an uncle’s cruel sting,

Left marks on our skin and the hurt they would bring.

They stand apart and casting blame on the young,

For sins they committed with lies on their tongue.

Yet still, they insist on our silence and our shame,

But I’ll weave my truth in the lines of my name.

I’ll speak through my verses until pain’s reign subsides,

For in poetry my soul does find its stride.


August 15, 2024

“Writing Under the Shadow of Their Peace” is a deeply personal reflection on the enduring pain of childhood trauma. As the author, I delve into the legacy of silence imposed upon me and my siblings, a silence that was supposed to maintain a fragile peace but instead kept us locked in a war within ourselves.

This poem confronts the emotional neglect from a father who, burdened by his own unhealed wounds, could only provide for our physical needs while our hearts went unheard. It mourns a mother, lost to her own pain, and the tragic loss of a sister who suffocated under the weight of neglect.

The verses also reveal the physical and emotional scars left by a grandmother and uncle who inflicted pain and blame upon us, distorting reality to protect themselves. Yet, despite the demands to stay silent, this poem (along with many others) becomes my voice, my rebellion. Through poetry, I refuse to carry their shame, finding strength and healing in the power of my own words.

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