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A Lineage In Search of Tenderness - (A Celtic Sorrowful Hymn)

Verse 1:

In shadows deep, my lineage lies,

A tale of sorrow beneath the skies.

My grandmother was once a tender child,

Innocence marred and her heart beguiled.


Oh, the pain that time has brought,

Generations left distraught.

In our hearts, the echoes sing,

Of the love they couldn't bring.

Verse 2:

In times of need she stood alone,

A mother's love she'd never known.

Her childhood bruised by hands so cold,

A tale of pain, untold, untold.


Oh, the pain that time has brought,

Generations left distraught.

In our hearts, the echoes sing,

Of the love they couldn't bring.


For centuries the story weaves,

A tapestry of silent grieves.

She stands defiant with eyes of steel,

Refusing to see the wounds to heal.

Verse 3:

My siblings and I, in silence learned,

To navigate the love we yearned.

A childhood lost to time's cruel game,

Our hearts in search of a tender flame.


Oh, the pain that time has brought,

Generations left distraught.

In our hearts deep the echoes sing,

Of the love she couldn't bring.

Verse 4:

We needed love, unselfish, and kind,

A refuge for our weary minds.

But what she knew, was all she gave,

An echo of the life she'd braved.


Her faults, a hidden and heavy chain,

Admitting none and embracing pain.

No change, no growth, no tender hand,

Just broken hearts that misunderstand.

Verse 5:

And here I stand, a witness true,

Conceding the pain she knew.

But knowing too, what we deserved,

Was love, was light, a heart preserved.


Oh, the pain that time has brought,

Generations left distraught.

In our hearts, oh, the echoes sing,

Of the love she couldn't bring.

Verse 6:

A childhood filled with joy and grace,

Not shadows dark, but bright embrace.

We craved a world she couldn't give,

A chance to dream in a warmth to live.


Yet through the pain, I find my way,

In words and whispers of night and day.

To break the chains and mend the tears,

To find the love in well intentioned years.

For in my heart, that truth does lie,

A lineage of sorrowed sighs.

But here I stand on hope renewed,

Breaking cycles, finding peace before I conclude.

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