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My Dog

When we put my dog down

I found it hard to breathe,

My eyes filled up with tears,

As I saw his spirit leave,

When we put my dog down,

The earth stood so uncomfortably still,

My head was pounding and aching,

Heart was breaking,

My stomach felt so ill,

When we put my dog down,

I held tightly to his paws last warmth,

His last kiss still wet on my face,

As I felt his last breath,

When we put my dog down,

I lost my closest friend,

But now he's in a box,

And our time is at an end,

When we put my dog down,

I cried more than any of my heartbreaks,

His love was big, simple, and true,

My friend is gone, and my soul aches,

For when we put my dog down,

I wanted to fight and scream,

For nothing did prepare me,

For the pain I'd feel and see,

Because when we put my dog down

he wasn't alone at all,

But I'm sure what I'll miss most,

Is throwing him snowballs,

When we put my dog down,

I felt his spirit flee,

And some humans can't understand,

Why does he mean that much to me,

I can't tell you exactly why I cried so hard,

For weeks long after that,

But when we put my dog down,

I kissed his nose as his heart did one last pat.


July 21, 2024

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