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Body Owner

She stood before the mirror’s gleam,

No longer chasing some perfect dream.

For body’s worth is not defined

By molds that others would design.

Her flesh, her curves, her sacred form,

A force that weathers every storm.

Not a puzzle to be solved or fixed,

But beauty in every line that’s mixed.

She learned her worth was just as high

As anyone beneath the sky.

And in that knowledge… she was free,

To love herself with dignity.

No scale can measure her full grace,

No number owns her rightful place.

For life is grand, complex, divine,

More than the waist or frame we assign.

Fat bodies thrive, despite the lies,

That smaller is where beauty lies.

To love your skin and stand so tall,

Is to defy society’s call.

“I apologize,” she whispered low,

To this vessel, courageous & strong, with room to grow,

Perhaps, in that, the healing starts,

“Embrace the body and its parts” .

Imagine if tomorrow came

And women knew they held the flame,

How many industries would fall

If we liked ourselves at all?

My body, mine… my rules, my voice!

I live, I breathe, I make my choice.

No man will shape what I should be,

For my womanhood is wild and free.

Aphrodite herself wore rolls of pride,

Her beauty is rich and undenied.

To every scar, each stretch and fold,

You are exquisite, fierce, and bold.

For feminism does not make us strong,

We’ve held that power all along.

It shifts the gaze and the world’s belief…

That we, as women, bring relief.

And when they say you must conform,

You stand your ground, your heart reborn.

For you are strength and a force so bright,

You blaze the path; you own the night.



"Body Owner" is an anthem of self-acceptance and feminine power, a reflection of the journey I’ve experienced in reclaiming my body and rejecting the societal narratives that have long dictated what it should be. But this poem is not just about my body… it’s about every woman around the world who has been made to feel inadequate or unworthy because of arbitrary beauty standards. It is a call to recognize that our worth has never been tied to the size of our waists or the number on a scale.

I wrote this poem to confront the lies we are fed about our bodies… fat bodies, scarred bodies, bodies of every shape and size. It’s about shedding the need for external validation and embracing the magnificence of who we are.

Through every line, I wanted to express how powerful and resilient we are, and how liberating it is to reclaim our narratives, our bodies, and our voices. If women across the globe could learn to embrace themselves fully, the industries that profit from our insecurities would crumble. In that, we find not just personal freedom but a collective empowerment that reshapes the world. This poem celebrates that revolution.

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