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For Those With Borderline Personality Disorder- Time To Embrace Your Inner Superpowers and Strengths

Dear fellow BPD-ers on this journey of life with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), it’s difficult to feel worth it, to feel loved, to consistently feel as if you have anything of value in this world… I’m here to express that you DO… I think of us with BPD as superhero with superpowers.

It's easy to think of superheroes as individuals with extraordinary powers, but the truth is, we all possess unique qualities and strengths that make us special. While we don't have literal superpowers, and cannot read minds, though I wish I could (that’s my most favorite fictional superpower) … those of us dealing with BPD may find solace in discovering our own set of "superpower" qualities that arise from our complex experiences with such a painful and overwhelmingly powerful disorder.

*First and foremost, it's crucial to understand that not everyone with BPD will exhibit these traits*, and the core of BPD often involves emotional dysregulation and interpersonal challenges.

However, let's explore some of these potential superpower qualities that some of us might discover within ourselves:

  • Intense Empathy: Many of us with BPD are exceptionally attuned to the emotions of others. We can display deep empathy and understanding, which can be a priceless asset in building meaningful connections with people.

  • Creativity: Some of us have a heightened sense of creativity and artistic expression. These talents can be channeled into various forms of art, music, or writing, allowing us to create beauty from our emotions.

  • Resilience: Living with BPD often means facing emotional turmoil and adversity head-on. Through these trials, we develop resilience and coping skills over time, making us stronger in the process.

  • Intuition: Many individuals with BPD report having a strong intuition or a "gut feeling" about situations or people. This intuition can serve us well in decision-making and navigating life's challenges.

  • Passion: We're no strangers to intense emotions, and when harnessed positively, this passion can drive us to pursue our interests, hobbies, or causes with unmatched enthusiasm and dedication.

  • Self-awareness: BPD often leads us to engage in deep self-reflection and self-analysis. Through this process, we gain a profound understanding of ourselves and our emotions, allowing us to grow and heal.

  • Persuasiveness: Some of us can be remarkably persuasive and effective communicators. In situations requiring negotiation or advocacy, our skills shine, making us formidable advocates for ourselves and others.

  • Adaptability: Living with BPD means navigating emotional fluctuations. As a result, we develop adaptability skills that help us thrive in the face of change and adversity.

  • Determination: Many of us exhibit incredible determination and perseverance. This determination fuels our pursuit of personal goals, allowing us to overcome obstacles that may seem insurmountable.

  • Resourcefulness: BPD individuals often develop resourcefulness, especially when dealing with emotional difficulties. We find creative solutions to problems, demonstrating resilience and ingenuity.

  • Intense Focus: Our intense emotions and passion can lead to remarkable focus and dedication when channeled positively. We become unstoppable forces when we set our sights on our goals.

  • Complex Thinking: Some of us possess a deep capacity for complex and nuanced thinking. This can be an asset in areas such as critical analysis or creative problem-solving, allowing us to see the bigger picture.

  • Compassion: Many of us with BPD have a deep well of compassion for others, stemming from our own experiences with emotional pain. This compassion can drive us to help and support those in need.

  • Creativity in Problem-Solving: BPD individuals often develop creative problem-solving skills to navigate the challenges we face. This creativity can extend to finding innovative solutions to everyday problems.

  • Passion for Learning: Some individuals with BPD have a strong thirst for knowledge and continuous learning. We may be avid readers, learners, or seekers of personal growth.

  • Authenticity: Those of us with BPD tend to be authentic and unapologetically ourselves. We may have a deep aversion to any superficiality, valuing genuine connections with others.

  • Sensitivity to Beauty: Many people with BPD have a heightened sensitivity to beauty in art, nature, and everyday life. We can appreciate the subtleties and aesthetics of the world around us.

  • Strong Bonds: When we form attachments, individuals with BPD can develop intensely strong and loyal bonds with friends and loved ones. We often value relationships on a deeper level than the average person. Not that others don’t care like we do, it’s just a more deeper sense of feeling over it for us.

  • Resilient Spirit: The journey of living with BPD often requires great resilience. Us with BPD can develop a tenacious spirit that allows us to bounce back from setbacks.

  • Strong Advocate: Some individuals with BPD become passionate advocates for mental health awareness and reducing stigma. Our personal experiences of not being understood or supported with our diagnosis motivates us to make a difference in the lives of others.

  • Empowerment: Through therapy and self-reflection, those with BPD can develop a strong sense of self-empowerment. We learn to take charge of our own well-being and personal growth.

  • Emotional Depth: Those of us with BPD often experience emotions with great depth and intensity. While this can be challenging, it can also lead to a profound understanding of the human experience. Along with extensive amounts of existential dread. Hand in hand intense joy AND sorrow.

  • Courage: Living with BPD requires courage, as we with BPD confront our emotions and work through our challenges. This courage can inspire others and lead to, well… again… personal growth. And often - friendships, from those who are quite inspired by our courage.

  • Resilience in Adversity: Many individuals with BPD have faced significant adversity in our lives. Our resilience in the face of these challenges is what I strongly believe to be a testament to our inner strength.

While it's important to recognize these potential strengths within ourselves while suffering from such a painful disorder, we must also acknowledge that the journey with BPD is tough. These strengths often coexist with significant emotional challenges that require therapy, support, and coping strategies to manage effectively.

So, my dear BPD-ers, on this highly complex path, let's embrace our unique qualities, our "superpowers," and use them to create the lives we desire. With self-acceptance, therapy, and the support of our friends with BPD whether they be in online groups, in person groups or reading articles just like this one written by a fellow BPD-er - we can harness our strengths to overcome challenges and thrive in a world that needs our unique gifts.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey, and together, we can illuminate the path toward healing and that personal growth we desire and work for.

With love,

Aubs ❤️

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