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Fragile MISTY Eyed Facade

In the dim and empty theater of her heart, she glides,

A solitary figure, where shadows and echoes collide.

With each delicate step, she dances alone,

Lost in a world of illusions, where truth is unknown.

Her laughter echoes hollow, a haunting refrain,

Masking the pain of a lifetime, the weight of the chain.

But behind the facade, in the depths of her eyes,

Lies a silent plea for redemption, a yearning to rise.

For she's trapped in a cycle of longing and despair,

Wandering aimlessly, with no one to care.

She's the architect of her own demise,

Yet she cannot escape the prison of her lies.

In her quest for love, she's left behind a trail,

Of shattered dreams and broken hearts, like ships adrift in a gale.

Her relationships lie in ruins, her heart barely torn in two,

And the loneliness consumes her, like a dark, endless hue.

But it wasn't always this way, she once believed in love,

In the promise of tomorrow, in the heavens above.

But her mother's scorn, her mother's disdain,

Left her broken and battered, in a world filled with pain.

And so she dances on, in the twilight of her days,

Haunted by memories, lost in a haze.

But beneath the mask, beneath the facade,

Lies a woman longing to be seen, to be easily loved.

For beneath the theatrical desires lies a woman, longing to be grand,

But she's lost in the darkness, consumed by the sand.

So let her rage, let her burn, let her scream,

For in the end, like her mother, she'll be swallowed by the same twisted dream


April 22, 2024

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