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His Suffering Ended While Mine Began

In sorrow deep, I found the words,

To speak of a loss that sears and burns.

A friend, a love, a loyal guide,

Now gone I grieve with heart untied.

Losing my dog, I now often say,

Is like a child whisked far away,

Yet a different complexity, this truth reveals,

A wound that time itself does not heal.

Behold those brown eyes with fate’s kind hand,

We went through life as planned, as planned.

But when my dog stepped into my life,

I knew deep down that one day there would come the strife.

In the world beyond that canine's reign,

Some may dismiss this poignant pain.

"It's just a dog," some voices cry,

But hear my heart that weeps and sighs.

For in the quiet, tender night,

My dog's love glowed a guiding light.

He found a place within my soul,

A secret truth is that he helped make me more whole.

Here came my boy, a soul so rare,

With wisdom and love beyond compare.

He left, yet in his wake, I found,

An understanding, pure, refined, and sound.

His paw prints linger in my heart,

A love that never will depart.

Though gone, he has taught me to embrace,

Pure love transcending time and space.


July 9, 2024

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