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Enchanted Tears

Updated: Aug 2

"Deep in the corners,

Of a hidden grey castle,

In the hall full of stone,

Cold and broken,

And alone,

Lies a princess confused and hurt,

Cradling herself with her arms splattered with dirt,

She carries the weight of pain,

In her folded arms,

Oh don't just say,

That one day she'll just fly away.

Hidden in the darkness,

Not a soul can see her tears,

Or hear her utter to herself,

How she's to blame for all her fears,

Bruised lips from constant caring,

Speaking ill of what had come,

Kissing princes like wolves in sheep's clothing,

Giving away what sparkle within she’d once shown.

Now empty and filled with dust,

In her butterfly cage of a heart,

She screams and slams the walls,

Infuriated with the wind,

Creating creeks in every chamber,

Of that broken down castle she lay in.

Another syllable sings out,

Leaves a tremble through her core,

Like a bolt of blue lightning,

Not an ounce of her stay sore.

Oh heavy oh tender mercy,

That falls down like sweet rain,

Her fierceness is but brittle,

As she cradles herself again.

Keep your words of comfort slow,

Do not let demise sink in,

Let your faint echos flow,

Or heartache will but bloom again.”

-Aubrey Olsen (Earle)

Started: March 30, 2017 

Finished: February 1, 2018

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