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The Borderline Of Life & Death (A B&W Photography Series & A Poem)

The Borderline Of Life & Death

“In the back and forth cathartic flow of restless and aching tides,

Where highs and lows like the ocean rides,

I find myself thoughtful and lost in between,

A borderline of shadows in this human form unseen.

It begins with void whispers so gentle yet sly,

Whispers of despair persistently asking why—

Why this hellish battle inside my mind,

A relentless natural storm that remains unkind.

The highs, oh the highs casting euphoric flights,

Where colors dance in wild and vivid lights,

But even there it is a faint fleeting bliss,

As darkness anxiously lingers in the midst.

Then come the lows in a heavy plummeting fall,

To depths where shadows cravenly sprawl,

The weight of the world is crashing and crushing down,

Invisible chains that are tightly bound.

In this tumultuous dance, I fear not just life,

But the quietude of death's vicious knife,

The unknown beyond and a mystery profound,

Echoes of silence all around.

To want to die, yet fear death's embrace,

Caught in this paradox of an endless chase,

An existential crisis is a whirlwind of doubt,

About faith, politics, humanities declining mount’.

Religion was once a solace but now a distant shore,

I've sailed away joyously seeking something more,

Humanity, connections oh what do they mean?

In this vast universe with most things going unknown and unseen.

Living on the borderline of this blip of existence,

Balancing on the rocky edge of perpetual resistance,

To the melancholic tunes that energetically play,

In the chambers of my weary heart each passing day.

Likeminded hearts yearning for peace and rest,

Souls unsure of what comes next,

Amidst the chaos tangled in a fragile thread,

Connecting to the world and to what's ahead.

I am here, but not quite here,

Caught between hope and convulsing fear,

The pain of knowing, yet not wanting to see,

That death's hand beckons eventually.

And so I wander through lost, forever questioning and adrift,

In this labyrinth of my own mind's ceasing shift,

Seeking solace in these simplest of things,

A touch, a smile, dreaming for hearts to eternally sing.

For in this delicate dance of light amongst shade,

I find moments, where small victories are made,

In understanding that to live is to willingly embrace,

The uncertainty, the joy, the bittersweet drops of grace.

And though the daunting questions linger still,

Of faith, of life, of death's cold chill,

I choose to walk this fated path each day,

Timidly embracing the unknown along the way.

For living, I’ve heard them say, is the art of the brave,

Navigating these waters and facing these unsettling colossal waves,

With courage drawn from depths within,

I do sometimes embrace this life, despite the chaos within,

So let me linger in this fragile chance,

Amidst the highs and lows dancing this happenstance,

For even in the depths of this despairing woe,

A flicker of hope stands strong with the will to grow.”


May 11, 2024

This melancholic series of 105 photos and a poem delves into the tumultuous landscape of the human psyche (At least mine but I am sure many others relate), where highs and lows intermingle like restless ocean tides.

These pieces are my way of capturing the duality of existence, grappling with despair, fleeting euphoria, and the relentless pursuit of understanding life's profound mysteries. Through my poem and photos, I navigate the shadows of uncertainty, yearning for connection amidst the chaos of existence. Ultimately, the poem celebrates the resilience found in embracing life's uncertainties with courage, even amid the throes of inner turmoil. Join me on this reflective journey through the complexities of the heart and mind, where hope flickers defiantly against the backdrop of existential questions. Visuals that understand the in-betweens..... The borderline of life and death.

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